Waterways Restoration
Raglan EELS Ltd. is a leading Raglan based Ag research company which has been focused on developing successful, sustainable aquaculture and biological solutions to restore lowland wetland ecosystems, based at a complex of coastal research ponds at Raglan.

Nitro EELS Aquaculture Ponds
The “Nitro EELS” system was conceived to create new, highly productive ecosystems constructed using NZ native plants and animals supercharged by farm nitrate runoff. The Raglan EELS Ltd. intellectual property was developed to build and manage aquaculture ponds so they replicate prime wetland ecosystem functions for whitebait spawning and EEL rearing habitat.

At MAF Charles Mitchell had been responsible for restoring whitebait fisheries, but he could see it wasn’t going to happen within the confines of government research. “I could see the only way of researching restoration was to do it – and pay for it – myself.” He quit and then began to work on a […]